Blog Are well behaved dogs happy?
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Are well behaved dogs happy?


Are Well Behaved Dogs Happy?

We can understand why some people would assume that well behaved dogs aren't happy. We tend to associate happiness with excitement. And excitement often leads to unwanted behaviours like barking, jumping up on visitors, pulling on leash.

Well-behaved dogs generally are a lot calmer. And calmness is associated with depression rather than happiness. But is it?

Is excitement really happiness?

Let's think of our own lives. We don't live in a constant state of excitement. We're not constantly having fun or playing with our friends either. In fact many of us would appreciate if we could just had an hour every day just being able to relaxing and destress.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the technique used in public speaking where you tell yourself you're excited to give a speech instead of nervous. The reason we can do that is because excitement produces the same hormones as if we're stressed. But with a few added endorphins. 

Too much of a good thing isn't a good thing. And the same with stress hormones. An over production of stress hormones can lead to health issues like cancers, auto-immune diseases and more. It also has a negative effect on our mental health. 

So excitement isn't really happiness.

How do I know if my dog is happy or not?

A happy dog is relaxed. They're neither stressed nor depressed. And they're not constantly over excited. Now you may be saying "OK, you told me what a happy dog is not, but what is a happy dog?" 

That is as individual as you and me. 

You see, what makes me happy, for instance is writing this blog, doing gardening or doing craft projects (even if I spend more time unpicking my sewing than actually sewing). Some people would call those things work. Some people find crafts stressful.

I also enjoy taking my dogs out to a coffee shop. Or lying on their beds with them. We all enjoy taking naps together. We also enjoy meandering along and discovering things. These things too aren't things everyone enjoys. In fact most owners feel stressed just at the idea of taking their dogs out to a coffee shop!

What I do not enjoy is exercise or going to a party. Yup, you read that right. I don't enjoy large gatherings. When there's too many people I struggle to follow conversations. But many other people enjoy these things. 

Now this may sound odd. Who doesn't love parties? Me!

Every Dog is Different

We all love taking on challenges, however when it comes to our dogs (like with us) excitement isn't a clue about whether or not the activity is enjoyable.

I hope this article has helped you understand your dog a little better and you can help your dog live a longer, happier life.


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